Harmonic Vocal Unit


Album name: Under The Moonlight
FYC Category:  Best Regional Roots Music Album

Hiliu is a music group dedicated to preserving and celebrating the beauty of Hawaiian culture through song. Our music delves into the rich heritage of the Hawaiian Islands, bringing to life the stories of our ancestors, the legends of the land, and the traditions of old. Hiliu focuses particularly on the musical legacy of the Hawaiian Kingdom, incorporating elements of royal court music that tell the history and emotions of the Hawaiian ali‘i (nobility). Our melodies are crafted to connect the past with the present, sharing the stories of Hawai‘i in a way that resonates with audiences around the world. To date, Hiliu’s projects have received four separate nominations from the Nā Hōkū Hanohano Awards. Hiliu’s fifth album, Under the Moonlight, was also nominated in 2024.

Under the Moonlight Our latest album, Under the Moonlight, is a heartfelt collection that invites listeners to journey with us through the tranquil beauty and vibrant history of the Hawaiian Islands. Each track on the album is an ode to the land, the culture, and the people of Hawai‘i, with a special focus on Queen Liliʻuokalani (the last queen of the Hawaiian Kingdom), Queen Emma (the wife of King Kamehameha IV), and other beloved figures of Hawaiian royalty. Under the Moonlight blends traditional Hawaiian sounds with contemporary interpretations, featuring beautiful harmonies, soulful lyrics, and evocative instrumentation, including violin, viola, cello, contrabass, piano, guitar, ukulele, and hula percussive rhythms with the Ipu Heke (Gourd Drum). The album aims to evoke a sense of place and nostalgia, drawing listeners into the essence of Hawai‘i’s natural beauty and the emotions of its people. The music reflects themes of love, resilience, and a deep reverence for nature—qualities that have been integral to Hawaiian life for centuries. We have also embraced the sounds and styles once heard in the royal courts of Hawai‘i, highlighting the importance of cultural preservation in our music.

We are honored to have our album Under the Moonlight entered for consideration in the Grammy Awards. This is an opportunity not just for us as artists, but for the Hawaiian community as a whole, as we seek to elevate the significance of Hawaiian music on the global stage. Hawaiian music is more than just entertainment—it is a vessel for cultural identity, storytelling, and connection to the ‘āina (land). Mahalo nui loa (thank you very much) for your time as we strife in keeping Hawaiian culture alive through music.

Hiliu "Under The Moonlight" ライブツアー2024

テーマ:「本当の幸せとは ~ハワイ土着の文化に学ぶ~」

  •  開催日時:2024年11月4日(月・祝)13:00~14:30(12:30開場)
  •  会場:明海大学浦安キャンパス2206大講義室
  •  受講料:無料
  •  定員:400名(要事前申込)
  •  申込方法:専用申込みページ(以下のURL)からお申込みください。



  • 主催:明海大学
  • 後援:浦安市教育委員会
  • 問合せ先:明海大学浦安キャンパス庶務課
  • 電話 047-355-5111
  • FAX 047-355-5420
  • メール mu-info@meikai.ac.jp


Hiliu クリスマスコンサート 2024
  • ≪ヒリウ クリスマススペシャルコンサート≫

    2024/12/26(木)開場: 17:30 開演: 18:30

  • 場所: グローリア・チャペル キリスト品川教会

  • チケット(来場者プレゼント付き)

  • チケット完売御礼!
  • 場所:Jazz Dining, AKASAKA TOKYO B-flat
  • 住所:東京都港区赤坂6丁目6−4 赤坂栄ビル
  • 日時:2024/8/21(水) 開場6pm 開演7pm
  • チケット:5,940円(学生2,970円、中学生以下990円)
  • お問合せ:ビーフラット 03-5563-2563
  • https://bflat.yamano-music.co.jp/event?contentId=n5qhvoajc
  • 場所:HALE NOHEA(ハレ ノヘア) – イオンモール幕張新都心店
  • 住所:千葉県千葉市美浜区豊砂1-6 イオンモール幕張新都心 アクティブモール1F
  • 日時:2024/6/29(土) 6pm~7pm
  • チケット:無料および投げ銭
  • お問合せ:ハレノヘア 043-306-4332


